
Strategic Aim

After extensive research work performed by a committee of faculty and staff in fall 2023 and a report to the Board of Trustees, Provost Michele Gillespie and Associate Provost Matthew Phillips held consultative briefings with groups around campus during spring 2024:

  • Faculty Senate Executive Committee
  • Provost’s Student Leadership Advisory Council
  • Staff Advisory Council Executive Committee and full council
  • Undergraduate Student Government

This consultation resulted in a Phase 2 plan that will include parallel efforts to (1) draft a single unifying statement about free expression and academic freedom and (2) educate and provide opportunities for dialogue about free expression and academic freedom all over the campus community during fall 2024.

The drafting team is working over the summer and Wake Forest’s Communications and External Relations team is working with the Provost’s Office on a resource website to support campus conversations in the fall.
