The Leadership Working Group of faculty and staff representatives from around campus initially launched in fall 2023. It has worked through the spring of 2024 to map the objectives of approaches to leadership, character, and integrity from around the campus.

The group is working toward a developmental model that would describe the target outcomes in leadership for a Wake Forest graduate and the virtues that will be developed by curricular and co-curricular programs during each student’s experience to reach that goal. This will enable a diversity of experiences appropriate to the range of academic programs at Wake Forest while also establishing common leadership outcomes for students.

The group is conducting inventory and research work during the summer and will resume regular meetings to develop the model in fall 2024.

Group members:

  • William Gentry, director of campus engagement and professional development
  • Michele Gillespie, provost
  • Eranda Jayawickreme, Harold W. Tribble professor of psychology
  • Shonda Jones, executive director for academic programs, School for Professional Studies
  • Shea Kidd Brown, vice president for Campus Life
  • Michael Lamb, director, Program for Leadership and Character; associate professor, Interdisciplinary Humanities
  • Marianne Magjuka, assistant vice president, Campus Life
  • Gregory Parks, professor of law
  • Matthew Phillips, associate provost for strategic initiatives
  • John Senior, assistant dean for vocational formation; director of the Art of Ministry, Divinity School
  • Kenneth Townsend, director of leadership and character for the professional schools
  • Amy Wallis, professor of practice in organizational behavior
