Provide multiple pathways through which Wake Forest students can develop the knowledge, skills, and values that enable them to critically examine, reflect on and embody Pro Humanitate; engage in dialogue across differences; and practice a bold new model for educating and developing leaders of character, integrity and courage.

  • Leadership Working Group working toward developmental model

    The Leadership Working Group of faculty and staff representatives from around campus initially launched in fall 2023. It has worked through the spring of 2024 to map the objectives of approaches to leadership, character, and integrity from around the campus. The group is working toward […]

  • Freedom of Expression work beginning Phase 2

    After extensive research work performed by a committee of faculty and staff in fall 2023 and a report to the Board of Trustees, Provost Michele Gillespie and Associate Provost Matthew Phillips held consultative briefings with groups around campus during spring 2024: This consultation resulted in […]