Deans and administrative leaders led their schools and units in setting priorities and sketching blueprints that align their goals and objectives with the principles in the strategic framework. This work created an additional set of strategic aims that bolsters the original framework.

  • School-level frameworks approaching first draft deadline

    Later this month, each school will submit first drafts of unit-specific frameworks. These frameworks are a culmination of an iterative, dynamic process led by each dean.  School-level plans will contex​tualize the University’s strategy in our academic units and organize support for the broader goals in […]

  • Deans submit process updates for school-level strategic frameworks

    Some of the most exciting work in the Strategic Framework happens as Wake Forest’s academic units create school-level strategic frameworks that move in conversation with the University’s Strategic Framework. School-level plans will contexualize the University’s strategy in our academic units and organize support for the […]

  • Campus Life releases strategic vision

    In alignment with the University’s Strategic Framework, the Campus Life Strategic Vision seeks to outline the themes and goals that will guide our work into Wake Forest’s third century. As we seek to “embody Pro Humanitate at home and in the world,” this guide will provide a […]