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Through the strategic framework process, the Wake Forest community affirmed who it is and articulated aspirations for what it will become; identified the right things to do in areas of current, emerging and aspirational distinction; strengthened the culture of collaboration across institutional boundaries; and created a pathway for schools, units and programs to align and form partnerships for future initiatives that support the University in achieving its goals. 

Now, the timing and sequencing of the next steps on the course to Wake Forest’s third century include: 

Sharing the Document

After sharing the strategic framework with faculty, staff and students at the beginning of the semester, Wake Forest will engage boards and councils, volunteer leaders, alumni, parents and families to support framing efforts that will take place within the College, Schools and administrative units.

School-Level Frameworks

In the coming months, deans and administrative leaders will lead their schools and units in setting priorities and sketching blueprints that align their goals and objectives with the principles in the strategic framework. We anticipate sharing these College, School and administrative frameworks with the Board of Trustees by the end of the academic year.

Strategic Aims – Action Step Execution

Leaders of specific action steps will develop a timeline and a sequenced plan for execution of their specific step with the support of the Provost Office. Depending on the action step, they may be integrated into school-level frameworks. 

Determining Assessment Strategies

In order to uphold the guiding principle of accountability, another step will be determining the assessment strategies that will help evaluate the progress made toward the thematic goals. This assessment process will be supported by the Office of Institutional Research and others.

Progress updates

As action steps are taken for strategic aims, Wake Forest will provide major progress updates to the University community through this website.

See also:
Assessment and Evaluation